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Soil-based Greenhouses

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Hydroponic Greenhouses

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made using 10% pure essential oils

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About Us

Arka Fanoon SEM, with several years of engineering experience in the field of industrial automation, officially started its legal activity in 2016. In this company, focusing on innovative and technological ideas in the fields of industrial automation, monitoring and instrumentation, and smart and semi-smart systems, we succeeded to obtain a deployment license in ISTT and allowance to follow our product development plans in this technology-driven environment. Following the same process in this series, we succeeded in obtaining technology and knowledge-based licenses for our developed product packages in the field of agricultural and industrial automation. During its establishment in the scientific research town, Arka Fanon Company has succeeded in designing and producing greenhouse climate smart packages and green space irrigation intelligent packages under the brand name “Homake”. As a leading product among its domestic and foreign competitors, it has been welcomed by a wide range of potential customers


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